For Care Partners

Inspired by a real patient.

Caring for your loved one with prostate cancer while caring for yourself

When someone you love has advanced prostate cancer, you may feel shocked, sad, and overwhelmed. The tips below can help as you navigate care of your loved one during the prostate cancer journey

Learn about prostate cancer and ELIGARD® treatment
  • Be prepared for what’s to come by asking your loved one’s doctors questions about the diagnosis, what treatment will look like with ELIGARD, and which side effects to expect. Doctors can offer you information on disease specifics as well as give you brochures, guides, and more that will help you as you navigate treatment
  • Men who are being treated for prostate cancer may experience sexual side effects. You should speak to your loved one’s doctors about sexual changes that may occur, fertility information, and ways to keep intimacy during treatment
  • Men with advanced prostate cancer require collaborative care across multiple health domains, including cardiometabolic, bone, psychological, sexual, and lifestyle. It’s important to be aware of how aspects of your loved one’s health may be affected and how you can handle these changes
Image of an older couple walking with yoga mats tucked under their arms and holding hands
Get to know your loved one’s medical team
  • Your loved one will most likely have a team of doctors that handle different aspects of their treatment, including an oncologist, a urologist, a primary care doctor, nurses, a psychologist, and more
  • It’s important that you become familiar with their care team so that you can ask questions as needed and be informed on all decisions
made during treatment
Be prepared for appointments 
  • Help your loved one be prepared for every appointment by encouraging use of a health journal that tracks symptoms, changes in mood,
and care team information, with a list of all medications and dosages, etc. This will help keep all information in one place. You can also use this journal to capture questions you have for providers during appointments and take notes of their answers
  • Accompany your loved one to appointments to offer support and know what questions might be useful to ask. It’s helpful to have an extra ear during these appointments, which can be overwhelming for your loved one
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Help your loved one with daily tasks
Your loved one may not feel like themselves as they’re dealing with a serious diagnosis. You can help them by assisting with daily hygiene, encouraging exercise, administering medication, keeping track of prescriptions, and running household errands.
Understand the financial aspects of treatment
  • Cancer treatment can become expensive. Ensure you speak with your loved one’s insurance or Medicare provider so you understand the cost of treatment and what to expect. They may be able to help you find the lowest costs for treatments
  • There may also be financial assistance programs available. Ask your loved one’s doctors or nurses about the Patient Assistance Program available for ELIGARD, which may help them save on treatment
Provide emotional support
  • Your loved one will most likely feel scared and overwhelmed because of their diagnosis. It’s important for you to be available to listen to your loved one’s concerns and offer advice when needed. You are an imperative part of decision making during this time—so make sure you’re involved in treatment decisions when they arise
  • Make time for each other. Set time aside to connect outside of things related to their cancer diagnosis to keep normalcy during a time when things may feel uncertain
  • Find support groups your loved one can attend so they can speak to others in similar situations and not feel alone in their diagnosis

You don’t need to put your own health aside to care for someone else. The tips below can help ensure you are maintaining your own mental and physical health

Take care of your body
  • Ensure you are keeping active during this time where stress may be high for you. Activities like walking, running, yoga, hiking, swimming, and dancing are great for your body and mind
  • Keep a balanced diet and focus on whole foods, which can provide you with energy and help you to feel your best during stressful times
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep; caregiving can become emotionally and physically taxing
Keep up with your own needs
  • Stay on top of your own medical appointments and medications to ensure you are staying healthy
  • Make time for your hobbies. Taking breaks to do things you love ensures you are feeling as fulfilled as possible and helps your mental health
  • Consider keeping a journal to track your feelings and thoughts. You might even want to try meditation or relaxation techniques that can help you remain as relaxed as possible
Find your own support
  • If you have children, pets, or others you care for besides your loved one with prostate cancer, see if you can rely on trusted family and friends to help share those additional responsibilities. You don’t have to do everything on your own!
  • Having a full-time job during this time can feel impossible. It’s important to speak to your employer when you decide to become a care partner and see if they are able to provide some support or accommodations for you
  • Rely on your loved one’s care team for the things you are not able to take on. They may be able to assist you or refer you to someone who can help
  • Find books and podcasts about caring for those with prostate cancer. It can be helpful to hear from others who have been in your position, and you may even receive some tips and tools
  • Consider confiding in close family and friends when you need to talk, or find a therapist who can help you during these times. You can also become part of online or in-person support groups with others like you who can offer advice and solace

More resources for care partners

Prostate cancer & you
Connecting with a community of people like you can be very helpful when caring for a loved one with cancer. In addition to finding support groups on social media or online, contacting the organizations below can provide more information on being a care partner for someone with cancer:
Caregiver Action Network
Help for Cancer Caregivers
Family Caregiver Alliance®
National Alliance for Caregiving
American Cancer Society®
Imerman Angels

Get the prostate cancer support you deserve

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